Favorite 1

CORE: ‘Arms-Over-The-Head’ Warrior Flow

45 min.

Prepare to activate your core and lengthen through your sidebody, as you flow through a heat building “arms-over-the-head-warrior” sequence.

Favorite 2

MORNING BOOSTER - Sidebody Fiesta

40 min.

Get ready for some side-body extravaganza – together we will elongate the sidebody improving rib cage mobility and expansiveness of your lungs.

Favorite 3

THE BLOSSOM: Yin-Yang Yoga - Dragon

60 min.

An intense hip opening class to release what doesn’t serve you. Move through a yin-yang practice combined with Marie’s special springy sun salutations.

Favorite 4

THE RESET: Free Up the Spine

30 min.

In this short mandalasana-style yoga class we twist to reset the spine so as to prevent discomforts and pain in the lower, mid and upper back. Enjoy!

Favorite 5


40 min.

Open and expand your body in all directions so as to shine with confidence and light all day.


You can either pay-per-class for 20 DKK / 2,5 EUR each or invest in an online membership for just 50 DKK / 7 EUR which gives you access to a 100+ yoga & meditation practices and programs on a monthly basis.